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Brother Bear 2003 Hindi Dubbed Dual HDTVRip 480p 300mb





MoVie InFo :IMDB
IMDB rating: 6.7/10
Genre: Animation | Adventure | Family
Size: 330mb

Language: English – HINDI 2CH

Directed by:  Aaron Blaise, Robert Walker
Starring: Joaquin Phoenix, Jeremy Suarez, Rick Moranis
Story…Kenai, a man who resents bears after a fight with one kills his older brother, is turned into a bear so he can see life from a different perspective. He is visited by the spirit of his older brother, and is told that, if he wishes to be changed back into a human, he must travel to the place where the lights touch the Earth, in other words, the Northern Lights. Fueled by hope, Kenai sets off on his long journey, and, along the way, encounters a younger bear, Koda, who is a chatterbox and a fun-loving spirit; Koda is trying to find his way back to his home, the Salmon Run, which, coincidentally, is right next to where the lights touch the Earth. Koda and Kenai team up, but are hunted by Kenai’s other brother, Denahi, who fears that the bear has killed Kenai as well. Along the way, the two bears meet other friends, including two moose, some rams, and some mammoths, with whom they hitch a ride. However, Kenai discovers that he likes being a bear, and realizes that humans aren’t only …

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Brother Bear 2003 Hindi Dubbed Dual HDTVRip 480p 300mb

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  1. Please edit the sound .sound is very delayed .then upload .please i am waiting from a long time for this mOvie

  2. Thanks for upload the movie but the sound in not proper quality .i mean to say the sound is delayed .so please check & improve than upload

  3. Please upload all episodes of NAAGIN Serial . plzzzzzzzzzzz

  4. @zAhEeR Bhai Thanks For upld Brother Bear But Les 11 Commandements upld Nahi Kari Bhai Ushe Bhi Upld Kardo Badi Mherbani Hogi

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  6. Sir plz upload (shark tale) 2004 300mb in hindi as soon as possible,……….

  7. Thanks bhai please upload The black cauldron Treasure planet

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